Here’s What Employers Are Responsible For During Record-Breaking Heat 2560 1707 Alicia East

Here’s What Employers Are Responsible For During Record-Breaking Heat

Early this week, a lightning storm caused a power outage in our area just as we were getting ready to eat dinner. We lit the candles, made a game of it with the kids, and tried to keep our refrigerator closed as much as possible. We endured a restless, sticky night without AC or fans and…

Waiting For Your Big Break? 3 Ways to be in Position For it. 2560 1707 Alicia East

Waiting For Your Big Break? 3 Ways to be in Position For it.

Jennifer Garner thought she was going to be a stage actor and only took her first TV role because she was flat broke. She also slept on a futon in some woman’s kitchen for 9 months while she was waiting (and working her tail off!) to hit her stride. She now has an IMDB page…

If You Have Anyone on Payroll, You Cannot Afford to Ignore This 2560 1707 Alicia East

If You Have Anyone on Payroll, You Cannot Afford to Ignore This

Anytime you’re dealing with payroll, there is risk involved. Workers understandably care a lot about it because their livelihoods are involved and the government cares because they have rules and regulations in place both to get the taxes they are due and also to protect workers. The two most important factors of a successful payroll program…

Is Your Workplace Evolving? Get Back to Basics. 2560 1707 Alicia East

Is Your Workplace Evolving? Get Back to Basics.

In the movie Miracle, Coach Herb Brooks transforms a ragtag group of individuals from rival schools into the unlikely winners of an Olympic gold medal. During tryouts, many of the United States’ top hockey players made a show of their fancy skating. While some of the would-be Olympians hoped to be superstars, Coach Herb Brooks had…

Artificial Intelligence: The Month’s Top Headlines 2560 1920 Alicia East

Artificial Intelligence: The Month’s Top Headlines

There’s more to the AI conversation than the alarmist “It’s coming for your jobs” headlines. Fair warning: I did include one of those here, but there’s so much more to the story. Read on for a little intro for everything from the basics (i.e. what is it?) to the ethical concerns and how it’s affecting…

Do You Think it Might be Time to Hire an Employer of Record (EOR)? 2560 1703 Alicia East

Do You Think it Might be Time to Hire an Employer of Record (EOR)?

Staying on top of compliance concerns can be tedious and time-consuming. Plus, with possible fines, legal fees, and damage to a company’s reputation on the line, the stakes are high. Many companies find that having an in-house team dedicated to keeping up with the laws as they change (and then change again) is unsustainable. Handling all…

Fight For Your Work/Life Balance: Your Work Will be Better For it 2560 1707 Alicia East

Fight For Your Work/Life Balance: Your Work Will be Better For it

Hustle culture is losing its appeal with younger generations. But while they value the idea of having a work/life balance, they’re bad at it. Still, having a robust non-office life might counterintuitively benefit your work one. According to Mental Health America, “When workers are balanced and happy, they are more productive, take fewer sick days,…

The DOL Has Its 👀on YOU: Let’s Talk About Audit Prevention 150 150 Alicia East

The DOL Has Its 👀on YOU: Let’s Talk About Audit Prevention

If you employ any number of independent contractors, the Department of Labor (DOL) has an interest in your business. Yes, yours. You should take it as seriously as they do. Hiring such workers is attractive to companies looking for outside creative resources as well as those that have varying, seasonal, or event-based needs. It can…

Direct Sourcing: How to Walk The Compliance Tight Rope 2560 1707 Alicia East

Direct Sourcing: How to Walk The Compliance Tight Rope

Direct sourcing allows businesses to place workers as needed and on a temporary basis. One of the biggest benefits is that they get to keep the best workers in the pipeline between projects and tap their pool of talent as needs arise. Direct sourcing is a great tool for managing a contingent workforce, but companies…

👻 s Among Us (How to Prevent Payroll Fraud) 2560 1707 Alicia East

👻 s Among Us (How to Prevent Payroll Fraud)

Payroll fraud is incredibly common. White collar crimes can be slippery because they aren’t always as obvious as someone swiping a stack of bills from the cash register. Some perpetrators likely don’t even think of themselves as thieves. They’re just “redirecting” funds they feel should be theirs anyway, “manipulating their payroll records” to show they…

Your Secret Weapon For Eliminating Red Tape For Hiring (a Quiz) 2560 1920 Alicia East

Your Secret Weapon For Eliminating Red Tape For Hiring (a Quiz)

For companies that hire a lot of freelancers, an Employer of Record (EOR) can be a lifesaver—or at least save some headaches if not literal lives. A partner for handling hiring temporary workers can be a key to avoiding fines and court dates by keeping businesses out of trouble. An employer of record is defined as…

Do You Have Workers in Oregon?  2560 1707 Alicia East

Do You Have Workers in Oregon? 

Engaging independent contractors comes with a high level of responsibility no matter where you are. Still, some states have a reputation for being especially risky. Oregon is one of those and any business that engages independent contractors in Oregon must take extra care to stay compliant with worker classification and labor laws.  Some employers like…

Meet The Team: Kaitlyn Kimmel 992 1322 Alicia East

Meet The Team: Kaitlyn Kimmel

Kaitlyn’s background handling property tax issues and motor vehicle dealers has sharpened her customer service skills. She loves being able to help people find solutions and just generally make their day better. Kaitlyn stays extremely organized so she can be at her best in her role. She lives by her calendar and planner. Growing up,…

Head Off Workers’ Compensation Risks at The Pass 2560 1829 Alicia East

Head Off Workers’ Compensation Risks at The Pass

Who needs workers’ compensation insurance? Anyone with workers, it turns out. When employees are injured in the course of employment, such insurance provides wage replacement and medical benefits to workers as well as protections for the employer. Just like any other insurance, you hope you’ll never need it. Still, if you do, it can be absolutely imperative…

Pop Quiz: Is Your Industry The Latest to Make Misclassification News? 2560 1707 Alicia East

Pop Quiz: Is Your Industry The Latest to Make Misclassification News?

Accurate worker classification is important in every industry and for every company–large or small. That said, any business that relies on a contingent workforce is especially vulnerable. The Biden administration’s decision to rescind the Worker Classification Rule made it easier for workers to argue for minimum wage and overtime protections/compensation. We’ve all seen headlines for the big…

Engaging Independent Contractors in Washington 2560 1334 Alicia East

Engaging Independent Contractors in Washington

While California is the state that makes headlines for its frequent legislation and tough employment guidelines, Washington is very similar. It’s considered a risky state to bring on independent contractors due to its strict worker classification rules. The high stakes for mistakes mean it’s important for businesses to take care to stay in good standing. …

Event Management And The Key to Making 1+1 Equal 10 2560 1707 Alicia East

Event Management And The Key to Making 1+1 Equal 10

The adage goes “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” But what about when you’re the one known for getting it all done? Whether you’re managing a massive event or a one-camera production, it’s time to think about multiplying your time. Engaging a partner who specializes in event management works out well for…

Meet Our New Compliance Specialist 450 695 Alicia East

Meet Our New Compliance Specialist

We are very happy to welcome Jamie Pavlunenko, our new Compliance Specialist, to the team!  Jamie has owned her own Professional Branding and HR Consulting business for the last decade with a prior history in HR leadership roles. She leverages a strong attention to detail to guide businesses in crafting policies and programs that comply…

Cybersecurity: Five Digital Hygiene Practices That Protect Your Customers 2560 1707 Alicia East

Cybersecurity: Five Digital Hygiene Practices That Protect Your Customers

If you’re a production company with expensive gear, you lock it up well and insure it. You keep your wallet or purse close to you while you’re in public. Unlike tangible items though, we can’t keep our identity, data, and personally identifiable information (PII) in our sight or locked up with a key. Cybersecurity requires…

Do You Engage Independent Contractors in California? Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. 2560 1707 Alicia East

Do You Engage Independent Contractors in California? Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

It truly is a tightrope walk doing business in California, especially if you engage independent contractors. Still, you don’t panic. Let’s talk about what makes California high risk (hint: worker classification tops the list), what’s at stake, and how businesses can protect themselves.  Why is California Considered High Risk?  California is considered the riskiest of the…