event payroll - Payreel
Six reasons PayReel projects are better projects 560 315 PayReel

Six reasons PayReel projects are better projects

Whether it’s a massive event or a one-camera shoot, when PayReel manages your projects, it’s the best for clients and workers alike. At PayReel, we’re devoted to making every single client and worker interaction a good one.   We make your life easy and your workers happy   1. We do it all. Unlike the…

gig economy - PayReel
The gig economy: How to pay contractors and navigate benefits 4166 2083 PayReel

The gig economy: How to pay contractors and navigate benefits

The gig economy offers benefits to workers and companies alike. While those benefits do include flexibility for workers and lower costs to employers, they don’t cover things we’ve grown used to such as built-in 401K plans, health insurance options, and worker’s compensation. For many independent contractors, that’s a problem. And as the gig economy’s slice…

independent contractor payreel freelance freelancer - PayReel
Four ways going freelance could land you your dream job 5882 3993 PayReel

Four ways going freelance could land you your dream job

Considering quitting your day job but concerned about the long-term effects on your future prospects? It’s time to think differently. Here are four ways freelancing could actually boost your career in the long run:   Get paid to find—or sharpen—your passion People pay a boatload of money to refine their skills at college. Freelancers get…

USA flag - PayReel
What do Trump’s first 100 days mean for the on-demand economy? 1920 1285 PayReel

What do Trump’s first 100 days mean for the on-demand economy?

  If anything’s certain, it’s that very little is certain when it comes to the rumors and grand plans that often surround any President’s first 100 days in office. Worker classification was a major focus during President Obama’s administration, which resulted in a rash of highly-publicized lawsuits and debates across the U.S. just as the on-demand economy…

money law - PayReel
Contractor payroll, overtime exemptions, and what Volkswagen’s scandal teaches us 5472 3648 PayReel

Contractor payroll, overtime exemptions, and what Volkswagen’s scandal teaches us

  Heads up: The way the production industry has traditionally approached contractor payroll just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Though currently stalled, new overtime regulations are questioning outdated payment practices—including day rates in the production industry. Wherever you find new guidelines radically changing previously-accepted practices, you will also find someone trying to get around them. But it behooves…

clock - PayReel
Payrolling freelancers? Here are 4 ways to be ready for new overtime rules. 3504 2336 PayReel

Payrolling freelancers? Here are 4 ways to be ready for new overtime rules.

  The Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) will make about 4 million more workers eligible for overtime on December 1st, 2016. With 21 states suing to end the act altogether, some businesses may be hoping it all just goes away before they have to make changes. But waiting is risky. Getting ready for upcoming…

over time pay roll timesheet - PayReel
Ten questions to help you decide if you really need to pay for payroll services 5472 3648 PayReel

Ten questions to help you decide if you really need to pay for payroll services

Time is money. And when you have a tendency to get buried under onboarding, vendor payment, classifying temporary employees, and other hiring details, time is priceless. Here’s a brief quiz to determine if hiring someone to handle your payroll services might be worth the investment.   Do you regularly hire independent contractors and/or temporary employees?   Is said…

video production up close - PayReel
Contractor payroll is changing. Here are four ways to be prepared. 5000 3662 PayReel

Contractor payroll is changing. Here are four ways to be prepared.

Like it or not, upcoming overtime exemption rules will change the way the production industry engages with contractors and freelancers. In the past, we talked about where things have been. Here, we’ll talk about where they’re going and what you can do to stay ahead of the curve. Be aware. If you hire contractors, you need…

signs and symptoms - PayReel
Best Insurance For Temporary Employees? Prevention 750 517 PayReel

Best Insurance For Temporary Employees? Prevention

When staffing special events or hiring freelance video crews for one-off projects, temporary workers are an incomparable asset. As a special breed, they also require special attention to everything from worker classification to the Affordable Care Act. Protecting these workers, who often spend extended time outdoors, requires a little extra forethought and attention, too. When it comes…

game changer written on black board - PayReel
Be prepared: Is setting up independent contractors about to get harder? 1000 750 PayReel

Be prepared: Is setting up independent contractors about to get harder?

  In any game-changing endeavor, the trailblazers have both the most to gain and the most at stake. Since its start in 2009, Uber, a spearhead in the gig economy, has earned a $62.5 billion valuation and forked out millions in legal settlements due to worker classification missteps. The gig economy and technological advances are redefining business as…

money and clock - PayReel
When net 90 kills creativity, you need to pay contractors quicker and easier 800 534 PayReel

When net 90 kills creativity, you need to pay contractors quicker and easier

When you pay contractors quickly, they’re more likely to answer your calls and ramp up your projects in a short amount of time. For busy department heads with big projects and short turnaround times, there’s nothing better than diving right in with tried and true creative partners. Saving time, money, and hassle by working with people who just get…

uber on cell phone logo - PayReel
Uber Lessons on Avoiding Worker Classification Problems 3917 2611 PayReel

Uber Lessons on Avoiding Worker Classification Problems

Need a ride? Get a Lyft. Want a meal? Here’s your hub for grub. Need a bed? Skip the air mattress: Airbnb instead. Companies providing on-demand products and services have revolutionized the economy. And Uber is at the front of the pack; pushing boundaries in both worker classification and technology. While this new frontier is sometimes undefined,…

myth button - PayReel
This Worker Classification Myth is Hurting Your Business 2000 2000 PayReel

This Worker Classification Myth is Hurting Your Business

Sorry, y’all: The five-second rule is bogus. Germs don’t offer a grace period before jumping on your food. Not even your last bite of the really delicious stuff. But that one about metal objects dissolving in a glass of Coke? Still up for debate. And we won’t be testing it to find out. Myths can be…

coffee cappuccino - PayReel
3 Steps to Relieve Freelance Payroll & Tax Season Headaches 3504 2336 PayReel

3 Steps to Relieve Freelance Payroll & Tax Season Headaches

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of companies with large contingent workforces digging through piles of paperwork, shipping out tax documentation, tracking down addresses, updating changed addresses, fielding endless calls from freelancers, and running around like chickens who have been recently separated from their heads. During Tax Day, and tax season, managing freelance payroll is more than just…

homeless man - PayReel
Classifying Employees and Independent Contractors—A Worker Classification Cheat Sheet 5760 3840 PayReel

Classifying Employees and Independent Contractors—A Worker Classification Cheat Sheet

Employee misclassification is on a lot of people’s minds. Hillary Clinton has even made it a part of her campaign. It’s pretty irritating that the rules are confusing, vary from state to state, and are often subjective, but there are a few standards that remain true across the board. If you want to get all…

money and taxes - PayReel
Top worker classification mistakes to avoid 6144 4096 PayReel

Top worker classification mistakes to avoid

Employee misclassification is getting to be a big deal for the government and a bum deal for businesses. Back in 2000, Microsoft paid $97 million, plus legal fees, in a benefits dispute with its long-term temps. More recently, FedEx shelled out $228 million. And then there’s Uber, which just lost in a dispute over whether…

compliance legal rules - PayReel
Worker Classification: 5 Reasons Companies Can’t Ignore Compliance Rules 4506 3811 PayReel

Worker Classification: 5 Reasons Companies Can’t Ignore Compliance Rules

With the rise of the sharing economy, workplace compliance issues are surfacing at an alarming rate. Uber and similar enterprises have been at the forefront of news on the subject of late, but the IRS is expanding its attention. And when the IRS pays more attention to this topic, companies need to do the same…

thin ice sign - PayReel
Worker Classification: What’s the Problem And Why Should You Care? 550 459 PayReel

Worker Classification: What’s the Problem And Why Should You Care?

Employee misclassification (noun): The kiss of death for companies. See also: Number one on the IRS’s list of least favorite things. The National Conference of State Legislatures provides an alternative description here: “Employee misclassification is the practice of labeling workers as independent contractors, rather than employees.” As the shared economy blossoms and remote work becomes…

man with rain boots in mud - PayReel
ACA & Contingent Workforces (Lessons from the First Five Years) 1280 850 PayReel

ACA & Contingent Workforces (Lessons from the First Five Years)

  When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed, we in the contingent labor industry held our breath. As a company providing contractor management services, we wondered: How will this affect temporary, freelance employees and the businesses that employ them? Will ours and clients’ costs skyrocket? Will we be able to accommodate the demand? What we…