5 EASY Ways to Improve Your Life in The New Year 2560 1702 PayReel

5 EASY Ways to Improve Your Life in The New Year

There are scores of folks getting ready to join CrossFit, go vegan, or relocate in an attempt to make some drastic, life-altering changes in the New Year. That’s not what we’re doing here. We’re talking small. We’re talking manageable. We’re talking low commitment with BIG results. To finish out 2022, we’re talking about some things…

Itching For Something New? These States Offer Relocation Incentives 2560 1920 PayReel

Itching For Something New? These States Offer Relocation Incentives

Do you ever get a little antsy about your life and find yourself wanting to change careers, remodel your house, or even cut bangs? In certain ways, it’s getting easier than ever to scratch that itch by getting a change of scenery without having to establish a new career. Between the increase number of self-employed folks…

Tax forms and calculator - Payreel
1099-K Requirements Are Changing: Here’s What You Need to Know 2560 1799 PayReel

1099-K Requirements Are Changing: Here’s What You Need to Know

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 changed the way businesses report income from payment cards and third party network transactions such as Venmo and CashApp. Here’s What You Need to Know Which Transactions Qualify? Any payment after December 31st, 2021 is subject to the new rules, which indicate that a threshold of $600 in aggregate…

Do You Engage Independent Contractors? The States Where it’s Riskiest And What You Can do About it 2560 1703 PayReel

Do You Engage Independent Contractors? The States Where it’s Riskiest And What You Can do About it

No matter where you are, engaging independent contractors comes with some risk to your business. You need to be ready to abide by a zillion (give or take) laws and regulations to make sure you stay compliant and in good standing with state and federal rules and regulations. In any of the high-risk states, it’s…

What to Look For in a Video Production Payroll Service 2560 1707 PayReel

What to Look For in a Video Production Payroll Service

A good payroll service is effective with even the most intricate, multifaceted, heavily-regulated industries around. Video production is up there with the toughest industries (it’s called a production for a reason)! Media managers oversee an incredible about of details for multiple teams of independent contractors and freelancers and, when their productions get big enough, it can be…

10 emotions of Thanksgiving Week (Brought to You by Will Ferrell) 150 150 PayReel

10 emotions of Thanksgiving Week (Brought to You by Will Ferrell)

Once a year, a holiday that calls to mind all we have to be grateful for rolls around. And every year, we think of you–the clients and customers who make our work possible. We also think of pie. This year, we’re sharing 10 emotions of Thanksgiving week (with a little help from Will Ferrell gifs). 10…

What do Supply Chain Shortages, $1.2 Billion, and Compromised Healthcare Have in Common? 2560 2048 PayReel

What do Supply Chain Shortages, $1.2 Billion, and Compromised Healthcare Have in Common?

To quote the Fiddler on the Roof: “That I can tell you in one word.” Ransomware Ransomware is an ever-growing global threat where the attackers hide behind computer screens. It’s a growing concern for governments, industries, and individual private citizens because it can cause serious disruptions in everything from the food supply to healthcare. Short-term…

Which Independent Contractors Should You Require to Have General Liability Insurance? 2560 1707 PayReel

Which Independent Contractors Should You Require to Have General Liability Insurance?

We’re like anyone else: if there’s not a good reason for red tape, we’ll happily skip it. Sometimes, though, it seems there’s no work without a mountain of paperwork. Still, there’s one thing we know is important enough to require our independent contractors to carry: general liability insurance. We are so serious about it because…

It’s That Time Again: Gift Guide For Everyone From The Minimalist to The Techie in Your Life 2560 1707 PayReel

It’s That Time Again: Gift Guide For Everyone From The Minimalist to The Techie in Your Life

The holidays are upon us and so are the sales. You’ll find tech, entertainment, gadgets and experiences for everyone from those who are averse to letting new items cross the threshold of their home to your tech savvy loved ones. Here’s our curated list for just about everyone in your life—from the tech junkies to…

Fines, Jail Time, & Reputation Damage: The 👻, 👿, and 🧟‍♂️ of Misclassifying Workers 2560 1707 PayReel

Fines, Jail Time, & Reputation Damage: The 👻, 👿, and 🧟‍♂️ of Misclassifying Workers

If you engage a contingent workforce and would rather avoid fines, jail time, and damage to your reputation, this post is for you. This month, the Biden Administration rolled out a proposal that would make it harder for companies to classify workers as independent contractors. From the beginning, the administration has had its sights set…

If You Hire a Contingent Workforce, Security MUST be a Top Priority 7952 5304 PayReel

If You Hire a Contingent Workforce, Security MUST be a Top Priority

Ransomware attacks have caused supply chain disruptions, compromised medical care, and even canceled flights. The issue simply isn’t going away. Most of us have added two-step verification to everything from our NestCams to our grocery chain apps and taken increased steps in our own personal security. This is a good start, but businesses that have access to…

Comic cartoon | PayReel
Video Marketing: Three Strategies to Master And One Myth to Bust 1080 1416 PayReel

Video Marketing: Three Strategies to Master And One Myth to Bust

What’s the most common advice you’ve heard regarding consumer behavior when watching videos online? Hold on to that bit of so-called wisdom for a moment because we’ll come back to it. In the meantime, let’s talk about three strategies to level up your video marketing efforts. Three Strategies to Engage Customers Personalized Videos My lender…

Nichole Rose - Payreel
Meet Nichole Rose—Our New Risk & Compliance Manager 250 333 PayReel

Meet Nichole Rose—Our New Risk & Compliance Manager

Nichole Rose—our new Risk & Compliance Program Manager—stays ahead of the game to help clients with their compliance practices. She covers Human Resources matters such as benefits, workers’ compensation, and wage and hour compliance. Staying on top of the ins and outs of risk and compliance is hard, time-consuming, high-stakes work. Isn’t it nice to…

Tried and True Worker Classification Solutions to End Your Audit Concerns 150 150 PayReel

Tried and True Worker Classification Solutions to End Your Audit Concerns

If you are a consumer of HR newsletters, you are well aware that the government is serious about targeting misclassification of employees as independent contractors. More attention on worker classification means an already risky business is about to get riskier. It behooves any business to pay attention before infractions hurt a business’s reputation or their bottom…

money and clock - PayReel
The Closest Thing to an Easy Button For Contingent Workforce Management 800 534 PayReel

The Closest Thing to an Easy Button For Contingent Workforce Management

Ask anyone who manages a contingent workforce and the answer will be swift: an easy button to make it simple, convenient, and organized would be worth an awful. Any system or company that handles contractor payroll should include certain features (like online timecards, approvals, benefits-tracking, and more) to get as close to an easy button…

Laptop and notepad - Payreel
In-Demand Skills You Can Learn Without College 2560 1658 PayReel

In-Demand Skills You Can Learn Without College

P.S. They pay well, too. If you’re already freelancing, you may be looking to either improve the disciplines you already offer or to add to your skillset to make your total package that much more valuable to your clients. Businesses used to consider proficiency in Microsoft Word foundational, but recent years have seen the addition…

Independent Contractor Agreement - Payreel
10 Worker Classification Mistakes That Land Businesses in Hot Water 2560 1920 PayReel

10 Worker Classification Mistakes That Land Businesses in Hot Water

Employee misclassification is becoming an increasingly big deal for government and an equally bum deal for businesses that don’t take it seriously enough. Back in 2000, Microsoft paid $97 million, plus legal fees, in a benefits dispute with its long-term temps. More recently, FedEx shelled out $228 million. Of course, there’s also Uber, which has…

Question mark - Payreel
W-2 vs. 1099: Which workers get which? 2560 1708 PayReel

W-2 vs. 1099: Which workers get which?

The way the IRS distinguishes between employees and independent contractors guides what benefits a worker is entitled to, what tax obligations they’re subject to, and which paperwork is required to make their status legally sound. Worker Classification (The BIG Question) While the paperwork is important, the most important aspect of this whole conversation is making sure…

Employer of record document
Questions to Ask When Onboarding Your First Employee 2560 2560 PayReel

Questions to Ask When Onboarding Your First Employee

If you’re looking at onboarding your first employee, congratulations! It’s a big step in the life of any business. Since you’re dealing with paying someone else, you need to be extra sure you do it correctly! You’re dealing with someone else’s livelihood, which in itself is a big responsibility, but you’re also subject to government…

Women working together - Payreel
Check Out What We’re Up To (Spoiler: We’re Improving The Client Experience) 2560 1707 PayReel

Check Out What We’re Up To (Spoiler: We’re Improving The Client Experience)

We’ve improved our client experience so to simplify worker classification/compliance, onboarding workers, and obtaining more customized reports. PLUS, we have new updates around the corner. Here’s How We’ve Been Working to Continually Improve Our Processes Streamlining Compliance Independent contractor payroll management can be complicated, but a good partner specializes in simplifying it. With California’s AB5…