Are you an independent contractor? Be sure you know your rights

How to set up an independent contractor - PayReel

Are you an independent contractor? Be sure you know your rights

Are you an independent contractor? Be sure you know your rights 5000 2813 Alicia East

Like many employers, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) has independent contractors (ICs) on the mind. And for good reason: They’re taking over the world! Or at least the world economy. ICs now make up 34% of the national economy and the trend is increasing internationally, too.

To that end, the US DOL has put out a list of resources for ICs. It covers on-the-job safety, benefits, workers’ rights, taxes, and more. This is especially helpful since best practices are constantly evolving and being defined/redefined.

Check out the site for more information on the following:

Questions about misclassification

As Uber’s tumultuous journey demonstrates, classification is a hot topic for everyone from the government to businesses. With their bottom line to watch out for and fines to protect themselves from, employers are wondering when and how to set up an independent contractor rather than an employee. For its part, the government has tax dollars on the line and workers to protect. And workers? Well, they’re watching their pocketbooks, too. With that much at stake, no wonder it’s a hot topic. 

The bottom line

It’s a complicated subject, but whatever you’re wondering, the DOL is a good place to start. Still have questions? Follow our blog for more information on topics such as evolving labor lawscomplianceworker classification, and more. We’ll keep you up to date and equipped to avoid common pitfalls.


About PayReel

At PayReel, we minimize the time and effort it takes to get you ready for your project, make sure you get paid quick and easy, and have customer service agents on call around the clock to answer your questions. All you have to do is call 303-526-4900 or email us. The PayReel team make event payroll easier, faster, and seamless.

The next time you work an event or a production, tell your supervisor you love working with the PayReel team!