5 ways PayReel Online makes your life easier

payreel payroll services - PayReel

5 ways PayReel Online makes your life easier

5 ways PayReel Online makes your life easier 6000 4000 Alicia East

We think working with us should be easy as all that pie we’ll all be eating next week–but without the need for stretchy pants. That’s why our system is as secure as it is convenient. At PayReel, we pride ourselves on having that perfect mix of convenient automation and personal service from real, live humans. What does that mean for you?


PayReel Online benefits that make your life easy peasy:

  1. Updating personal info is a breeze: You can change your physical address in your PayReel Online account. You can also change your email address, update your W4, or change your direct deposit information by contacting PayReel via email or phone.
  2. Real, live humans answer your call: If you’re like us, you’ve forgotten that the tiny computer attached to your wrist at all times actually functions as a phone. If you ever get stuck online or simply want to chat with one of our Customer Experience Managers, we’re ready. Go ahead, try us at 303-526-4900. Meet the whole team here.
  3. On the go and paper free: There’s no need to find a printer or an ink pen. You don’t even have to email your supervisor for approval. Simply input your time sheets before you leave the job and your manager will approve your time sheets online. Because no one ever says, “If only I had one more piece of paper on my desk.” You can do everything while you’re still on the job.
  4. Get paid quickly: Okay, okay, this one probably should’ve been first, right? Since everything is online and approvals happen with a simple click of a button, you get paid the Friday after your time sheets are approved.


Anything else?

Of course. At PayReel, we minimize the time and effort it takes to get you ready for your project, make sure you get paid quick and easy, and have customer experience managers available to answer your questions. All you have to do is call 303-526-4900 or email us. The PayReel team makes payroll easier, faster, and seamless.

The next time you work an event or a production, tell your supervisor you love working with the PayReel team!