Open enrollment ends Friday. Are you ready?

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Open enrollment ends Friday. Are you ready?

Open enrollment ends Friday. Are you ready? 3543 2362 Alicia East

While its future is uncertain, the healthcare marketplace is still up and running for now. So if you rely on the Affordable Care Act for your coverage, it’s time to get busy. We are now within the final hours of open enrollment for the healthcare marketplace.


Here are some answers to common questions:

  1. What if I already get my insurance through my employer? No need to read on. You’re good!
  2. What if I like my plan? If you’re already enrolled in a plan, haven’t had any major life changes (such as a pregnancy or a change in income), you can keep your plan. You don’t even need to log in.
  3. What if I have Medicaid coverage? You’re all set. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  4. What if I have coverage through my spouse’s plan? See ya later.
  5. Can I still get a subsidy if I have healthcare insurance through an existing employer? Maybe. Go to and see if your income qualifies you for a healthcare subsidy. This could lower your cost for coverage. You can also use this calculator to estimate possible subsidies.
  6. What if I know I need to make a change and have been dragging my feet? If none of the above applies to you, it’s time to go shopping. Head to and follow the instructions.
  7. How are rates determined? Plans come in four different levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Some freelancers report being pleasantly surprised by the prices they’ve found in the marketplace, while other folks have used some pretty colorful language to describe the experience.Rates are unique to each person and vary based on factors such as where you live, how much income you bring in, and how many family members you have.
  8. How long do I have left? This year’s deadline is December 15th.
  9. What if the website takes forever to load? Especially near deadlines, the marketplace websites have been known to be overloaded, causing frustrating delays. If this happens, you may have better luck on the phone. Call 1-800-318-2596.


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