What do Trump’s first 100 days mean for the on-demand economy?

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What do Trump’s first 100 days mean for the on-demand economy?

What do Trump’s first 100 days mean for the on-demand economy? 1920 1285 PayReel


If anything’s certain, it’s that very little is certain when it comes to the rumors and grand plans that often surround any President’s first 100 days in office.

Worker classification was a major focus during President Obama’s administration, which resulted in a rash of highly-publicized lawsuits and debates across the U.S. just as the on-demand economy was coming of age.

The Trump administration’s focus on that same unique issue might actually play out favorably this time around for employers who rely on independent contractors. But before you throw all your paperwork out the window—that doesn’t mean classification is going out the window, too. In fact, some states and localities might even tighten restrictions and increase punishments for misclassification in response to relaxed federal law.

In short, things are as up in the air as ever when it comes to the federal government trying to keep up with rapid developments in the on-demand economy.

Here’s what to do while you wait to see what President Trump’s first 100 days mean for the on-demand economy.


Be vigilant when it comes to compliance

Federal, state, and local regulations already change regularly; who knows how things could fluctuate as the government tries to get a grasp on how benefits, taxes, and everything else could and should shift as workforces get more and more non-traditional.


Don’t slack on the classification

The process of classification might eventually get easier, but it’s not likely to go away. If the current situation is any indication, it could even get a bit hairier for some states and localities as they react to uncertain or lax laws at the federal level.


The bottom line:

If you can’t (or just don’t want to) keep up with the rules and developments surrounding the on-demand economy—PayReel can keep up for you. Not only does our team manage worker classification, payroll, and payroll taxes; as the employer of record we even take on all risks associated with a variable workforce.



About PayReel

Producing multimedia content and executing live events is chaotic. At PayReel, we make sure our clients are able to hire who they want, when they want and that everyone is paid properly. Leave all payroll services and details up to the PayReel team so you can focus on pulling off a flawless production. Contact us anytime at 303-526-4900 or by emailing us here.

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