Strategies to Help You Through The Changing Workplace

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Strategies to Help You Through The Changing Workplace

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Like a lot of you, we’ve been reading about how to adjust to the changing workplace. We hope you find this curated list of the Harvard Business Review’s resources to help you through the changing workplace.

The Great Resignation

  1. 6 Strategies to Boost Retention Through the Great Resignation (Harvard Business Review)
  2. How to Hang On to Your High Potentials (Harvard Business Review)
  3. One Way to Fight the Great Resignation: Re-recruit Your Current Employees


  1. How to Interrupt Someone’s Workday–Without Annoying Them
  2. Communicating Authentically in a Digital World
  3. Five Ways to Improve Communication in Virtual Teams


  1. How to Get Your Team to Stop Asking You Every Little Question
  2. Use Purpose to Transform Your Workplace
  3. What Courageous Leaders Do Differently

What patterns are you seeing out there? What’s helping you through?