How you can stay fresh, relevant, and in business

men and women in leather jackets - PayReel

How you can stay fresh, relevant, and in business

How you can stay fresh, relevant, and in business 730 365 PayReel

The journey is the destination, but *awards and recognition provide nice scenic overlooks along the way. We’ve learned a thing or two over the past 19 years, and thought we’d share some of what’s worked for us and led to our recent success. (We’ll save our mistakes and missteps for another post.)

The saying goes that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but that’s pure malarkey. Businesses and entrepreneurs of any age and experience must keep learning new tricks in order to stay fresh, relevant, and frankly, in business.

Put simply, our forward-thinking culture, ability to strategically gather and implement client feedback, and embrace change have been key to our success.

Don’t take yourself too seriously

Having a team willing to dress up and ham it up in front of a camera (pictured), leadership willing to take a few steps off the beaten path, and partners who were able to transform our website from stale to edgy led to an *award from The Business Marketing Association of Colorado. It’s not just about how people see our website. It’s about how we see ourselves.

We see ourselves as fun and edgy, but our website didn’t reflect it. We see ourselves as cutting edge, but our website – in many cases the first impression people get of our company – was standard. Cohn Marketing was able to communicate who we are and convey our message in an engaging and creative way that demonstrates our forward-thinking culture–and win a BMA in the process.


Colorado Companies to Watch selects winners based on revenue growth, exceptional entrepreneurial spirit, unique use of technology, and a highly-sustainable competitive advantage. We could talk about each of those points, but we’ll focus on one piece that contributed to all the rest: We listened.

Three years ago, we took a calculated risk and built PayReel OnLine. Before we invested in the site, we invested in getting feedback from key clients. We knew that we didn’t have all the answers, and wanted to know everything that was and wasn’t working for our customers as well as what would make our system their dream come true (yes, we’re still talking about payroll).

We didn’t settle for a site that just worked well enough. We knew that an investment in PayReel Online was an investment in our existing clients, our target markets, and our company, and that we had to keep an open mind throughout the process.

This unique use of technology paid off. It made for highly-satisfied clients and contributed to the competitive advantage that enabled a significant spike in revenue, leading to our recognition as one of Colorado’s Top 50 Companies to Watch.

Our 19th year in business has been an exciting one. We’re very proud to have expanded and earned awards that showcase our talented, innovative team. Looking forward to what our third decade in the business has in store!


*BMA Awards: The Business Marketing Association of Colorado presented  Cohn Marketing with a gold award for their work on our website. The theme was “Your Own Special Ops Team.”


PayReel’s clients, who are some of the biggest companies in the world, are constantly immersed in the chaos of producing multimedia content or executing live events. PayReel makes sure they have the right contractors at the right time in the right place, and that everyone gets paid properly. And, most importantly, they handle every last detail perfectly while making sure their clients think nothing of it. Relax we got it.