Meet Nichole Rose—Our New Risk & Compliance Manager

Nichole Rose - Payreel

Meet Nichole Rose—Our New Risk & Compliance Manager

Meet Nichole Rose—Our New Risk & Compliance Manager 250 333 Wyoming Admin Backup

Nichole Rose—our new Risk & Compliance Program Manager—stays ahead of the game to help clients with their compliance practices. She covers Human Resources matters such as benefits, workers’ compensation, and wage and hour compliance. Staying on top of the ins and outs of risk and compliance is hard, time-consuming, high-stakes work. Isn’t it nice to know you have someone in your corner to keep some of the riskiest aspects of your business running smoothly and accurately?

As the oldest of 10 siblings who earned her undergraduate degree in teaching children with special needs, Nichole Rose’s background provided her leadership opportunities and a lot of experience helping others. As such, she is just the kind of person you want in your corner. Nichole Rose also has a wide knowledge of HR topics and a strong desire to do things by the book to keep people out of trouble. She will soon be sitting for PHR (a certification in professional HR) which requires her to do continuing education to stay on top of all the latest changes.

Nichole has served in HR roles for Lowe’s, a fast-food chain, and a manufacturing plant. She enjoys giving clients the information they need to make the best decision for their situation. She certainly doesn’t know everything, but if you have a question, she’s going to help you find out what you need to know.

Outside of work, you’ll find Nichole Rose watching baseball. Her favorite players are the Little Leaguers in her own house, but she enjoys watching the professionals, too. She loves her family (including her two dogs!), camping, fishing and sitting down with a good book.