ACA & The Election Year

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ACA & The Election Year

ACA & The Election Year 4272 2848 PayReel

There’s not a hotter topic for those in the custom staffing industry than the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It affects everything from hiring independent contractors to budget management. We, along with our corporate clients and independent contractors, are largely affected by every detail, regulation, and modification of the law.

For this reason, we’re tuned in to what happens in DC. When both houses of Congress went Republican, we had the very real question of whether they would repeal the ACA. And not long ago, many also wondered if a Republican White House in 2016 could result in a decisive repeal.

But with over 10 million people enrolled, repeal no longer seems realistic. Regardless of politics, nobody wants to turn on the news and see a story about a politician removing a terminally ill patient from their hospital room. Too many people are benefitting and it would be impossible to ignore the stories.

While we don’t see repeal as a huge threat in the short term, it is realistic to anticipate intense new regulations that could chip away at the act and render it unrecognizable (like the Social Security Act and Voting Rights Act before it).

Whatever direction the White House goes in 2016, it will have HUGE effects. Businesses with contract employees will need to be especially nimble and the software will need to remain flexible.

We can only act on what we know. What we cant do is ignore it and hope it goes away. If we put our heads in the sand, we’ll just end up with stuffed noses and scratchy eyes.

This is the third in a series:

We’ve already covered lessons from the first five years and what we can expect from the next five years. Next will be the fundamental questions we still need to be answered.

About PayReel

PayReel’s clients, who are some of the biggest companies in the world, are constantly immersed in the chaos of producing multimedia content or executing live events. PayReel makes sure they have the right contractors at the right time in the right place, and that everyone gets paid properly. And, most importantly, they handle every last detail perfectly while making sure their clients think nothing of it, so they can get back to doing what they do best.