Sneaking a peek at 2012

Sneaking a peek at 2012

Sneaking a peek at 2012 150 150 PayReel

Now that most of us are well onto our new year’s diets and beginning to rationalize away the more strenuous of our resolutions, let’s take a look at some topics that promise to be interesting reading in 2012 …

  • Unemployment is down, but state and federal unemployment insurance tax rates are still heading up.  What’s up with that?
  • Fed and states continue to step up enforcement of employee misclassification penalties.  A hot topic gets even hotter.
  • The “YouTube Effect” – That shaky cell phone video has already redefined how information is consumed.  Now it’s evolving and finding its way into the corporate boardroom.  What does that mean for the future of corporate communications?
  • An Audience of One? – Don’t be your “independent” contractor’s only client.  If you’re alone, the IRS may take a seat right behind you.
  • SCOTUS is on the case.  The Supreme Court hears arguments on the constitutionality of the Affordable Health Care Act (aka “ObamaCare”).  With all due respect to Messrs. Ali and Frazier, this is shaping up to be “The Thrilla On the Hilla.”
  • Bold as ICE – Immigration and Customs Enforcement is serious about properly documenting workers.  Is an audit or (shudder) a site visit in your future?
  • Managing independent contractors and corporate red tape can be a neat trick.  What are some best practices from people who lived through it?

And like last year, from time to time I’ll hand over my keyboard to some guest bloggers.  So buckle up, stay tuned, and Happy New Year!


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