From glee to gratitude, here are our 10 emotions of Thanksgiving week

Give Thanks - Payreel

From glee to gratitude, here are our 10 emotions of Thanksgiving week

From glee to gratitude, here are our 10 emotions of Thanksgiving week 6024 4024 Alicia East

Once a year, a holiday whose very name specifically calls to mind all we have to be grateful for rolls around. And every year, we think of you–the clients and customers who make our work possible. We also think of pie, every form of potato, and stretchy pants.

Here are 10 emotions of Thanksgiving week


On Monday, with a short workweek ahead and the comforting knowledge that nobody’s calling a meeting on Wednesday.


On Tuesday, when we realize that if the year keeps going at this speed, 2020 is basically tomorrow.



When we count the days and conclude we still have 26 shopping days between turkey and ham days, respectively.


When it’s finally Thursday and for the first time all year, nobody’s in a hurry.


As we strategize our meal–knowing we need to leave room for Aunt Ida’s corn soufflé and Grandma’s cookies with the “secret” ingredient (everybody knows it’s almond extract).


When the conversation inevitably turns to politics and we have to decide whether to body slam Aunt Ida or hand her a drink and gracefully change the subject.


When carpool karaoke comes on and gives us something we can all agree on. Even Aunt Ida.


When we eat the first middle and last pieces of pumpkin pie and then opt to plop down in front of the football game.


Did someone say stretchy pants?


For family, friends, and a little time to just sit and be.